"We all had to learn to become Jewish," she said, savoring a paradox of the Nazi effort to eradicate Jewry.
Now Daimler-Benz, the same entity that was a backbone of the Nazi effort, is going to own the trademark "Jeep"?
German conservative elements, such as the officer corps opposed Nazi efforts against the churches and, in office, Hitler restrained his anticlerical instincts out of political considerations.
Nazi efforts to induce Jews to leave Germany were made, but were undermined by their refusal to allow them to take their property also.
This unrushed tempo serves the story nicely since the characters, having survived Nazi efforts to radically dehumanize them, are slipping back into the quotidian.
Swiss dealers aided the Nazi effort and profited from it.
As a result of the Nazi German efforts to erase evidence of the camp's existence near the war's end, almost all its traces disappeared from the site.
Papée combatted Nazi efforts to eliminate the League of Nations role in the governance of the Free City.
It was embarrassing that Nazi efforts to subvert the Army had been uncovered.