The article has not been used since 1938 when a Nazi group was convicted for antisemitic propaganda.
Nazi groups were "relatively strong" in Skåne in the 1930s.
The story also contained details about possible other murders and bombings being planned by Nazi groups.
The goal of this work was to determine if foreign agents were working within these American Nazi groups.
The Swedish Nazi groups persisted after the war until they were officially dissolved in 1950.
Many citizens have called for a ban on all Nazi groups in Germany.
For all of their division at the top, the lowly followers of different Nazi groups are more inclined to get along.
Another possible sanction was terror from Nazi paramilitary groups, to which the police were ordered not to respond.
The police, whom only a few hours before I had seen disperse a small Nazi group without any trouble, were standing by, grinning.
However, one night they received threats from a Nazi group.