Abortion-rights supporters shout about Nazi tactics and call the protesters facists.
"But to decide to get rid of all pay phones is a Nazi tactic."
It portrays the activities of members of the French Resistance and the Nazi tactic of taking and shooting innocent hostages in reprisal for acts of sabotage.
A United Nations special investigator today rejected charges by the Scientology movement that the German Government is using Nazi tactics of persecution and ill treatment against it.
Later the same year, dissident Protestant churches joined in a manifesto protesting Nazi tactics.
William A. Donohue, president of the Catholic League, said that "this is unprecedented in American history" and described the taping as "a Nazi tactic."
"This is Nazi tactics."
"The notion that any element of an important political party in any democracy would sanction and promote Nazi tactics poses a fundamental threat to that very democracy."
They were soon to become acquainted with the very strong-arm Nazi tactics which had swept Hitler to political power.
The Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 was drawn up in the aftermath of the Nazi tactics in occupied Europe.