So if the deer bones were leftovers from a meal, the scientists said, then the Neanderthal bones must be as well.
Another human example is the sequencing of mitochondrial DNA from Neanderthal bones.
Several studies of both living humans and Neanderthal bones have found that every living person is descended from African ancestors who lived about 100,000 years ago.
This has happened again and again with Neanderthal bones, and it throws my private time-niche for them off completely.
Neanderthal long bones and joints are thicker than ours, and some long bones have a slight curve.
Finds of Neanderthal bones in the cave prove that the cave was used as a shelter by these early inhabitants of Europe.
One thing we're learning through isotopic analysis of Neanderthal bones shows that they were almost entirely carnivores.
Many anthropologists had tried to extract DNA from Neanderthal bones without success.
But Schaafhausen did think the Neanderthal bones were human relics--extremely ancient ones.
But an international team of scientists reported yesterday that new chemical tests of 28,000-year-old Neanderthal bones may have settled the issue.