He lobbied for admission and persuaded the two Nebraska senators to sponsor him.
The company, which is one-third owned by the Nebraska Senator, acknowledged the violations.
The Nebraska Senator issued an apology for his "inappropriate" remarks and said they were made in what he thought was a private conversation.
Chambers has won every election since then, and in 2007 became the longest-serving Nebraska Senator in history.
The Nebraska Senator later apologized for his "inappropriate" remarks.
To understand why a Nebraska senator might interest himself in immigration issues, it's enough to visit an Omaha meatpacking plant.
Although a reliable conservative on domestic issues, the Nebraska senator became an outspoken critic of the Iraq war and Mr Bush's foreign policy.
The Nebraska Senator did not refer to Mr. Clinton's not serving in Vietnam directly in his speech.
Chuck Hagel, Nebraska Senator; born in North Platte.
As valuable as the Keystone pipeline would be there are reasons to consider alternate routes which is what the governor and at least one Nebraska senator want to happen.