Beginning his campaign for election while still stationed in Vietnam, DeCamp was elected and served four terms as a Nebraska state senator, from 1971 to 1987.
Bill Kintner (born Cincinnati, Ohio on November 22, 1960) is a Nebraska state senator in the Nebraska Legislature.
Dennis Utter (February 21, 1939 - December 27, 2011) was a Nebraska state senator in the Nebraska Legislature.
John Synowiecki is a Nebraska state senator from Omaha and the program director for governmental relations for Catholic Charities.
Pam Brown, 58, American politician, Nebraska state senator (1995-2006), ovarian cancer.
Former United Methodist minister and district superintendent Lowen Kruse as a Nebraska state senator since 2001.
Terrytown was founded in 1949 by Terry Carpenter, a successful Scottsbluff businessman and a famous Nebraska state senator in the 1950s and 1960s.
Ron Raikes, 61, American politician, Nebraska state senator (1998-2008), farm accident.
In 1971, he married LaVon K. Crosby, a Nebraska state senator from 1989 to 2000.
"This is a political movement in birthing," said John DeCamp, a former Nebraska state senator who is a legal counsel for leaders of several paramilitary groups.
Beginning his campaign for election while still stationed in Vietnam, DeCamp was elected and served four terms as a Nebraska state senator, from 1971 to 1987.
Bill Kintner (born Cincinnati, Ohio on November 22, 1960) is a Nebraska state senator in the Nebraska Legislature.
Dennis Utter (February 21, 1939 - December 27, 2011) was a Nebraska state senator in the Nebraska Legislature.
John Synowiecki is a Nebraska state senator from Omaha and the program director for governmental relations for Catholic Charities.
Pam Brown, 58, American politician, Nebraska state senator (1995-2006), ovarian cancer.
Former United Methodist minister and district superintendent Lowen Kruse as a Nebraska state senator since 2001.
Terrytown was founded in 1949 by Terry Carpenter, a successful Scottsbluff businessman and a famous Nebraska state senator in the 1950s and 1960s.
Ron Raikes, 61, American politician, Nebraska state senator (1998-2008), farm accident.
In 1971, he married LaVon K. Crosby, a Nebraska state senator from 1989 to 2000.
"This is a political movement in birthing," said John DeCamp, a former Nebraska state senator who is a legal counsel for leaders of several paramilitary groups.