Civiale founded the first urology service in the world, at the Necker Hospital in Paris.
Memphis Slim, an American blues singer who lived in Paris for more than two decades, died Wednesday in Necker Hospital here, his family announced today.
Moreno was monitor of the Urinary service in the Medical School of Paris (Necker Hospital) from 1908 to 1911.
He received his medical doctorate in 1882, and soon after headed a medical clinic at Necker Hospital.
He studied medicine in Paris, and worked at Necker Hospital under Armand Trousseau (1801-1867).
Dr. Hamburger carried out much of his work as chief of the nephrology department of Necker Hospital in Paris.
Photographic evidence confirming the existence of acupuncture meridians corresponding to the ancient, traditional model has recently been obtained by a research team at the Necker Hospital, Paris, France.
Mr. Langlais died on Wednesday at the Necker Hospital, where he had been admitted two days before with breathing problems, his family said.
He studied also at Cambridge University 1948 (stipend of British Council) and Necker Hospital in France 1966 (French state stipend) with which he developed a decades long partnership.
In reporting his team's findings, Dr. Stephane Blanche of the Necker Hospital in Paris said he had changed the focus of the report because a recent analysis "revealed a worrying problem."