Apparently there is not a trace of Negro blood in her veins.
Steve tells the sheriff that he has "more than a drop of negro blood in me".
They look white, but they all got Negro blood in 'em.
How was he to imagine that persons of their appearance and pretensions were tainted with negro blood?
"I believe that before many centuries have elapsed, there will not be a single person in America without a certain portion of Negro blood."
Some had Negro blood in them.
The sheriff replies that "one drop of Negro blood makes you a Negro in these parts".
There was a division of spoil from a raid, and to his share fell a woman slave, a Spaniard with Negro blood.
Some time later Joe told Bobbie that he may have Negro blood, but she accuses him of lying.
But again he saw his old friend in the lad's face, and again he looked in vain for any sign of negro blood.