After his studies, he himself exposed as a novelist and journalist in Nepalese society.
The Forum has launched many activities against corruption and turmoil in Nepalese society.
He always opposed the caste system and was deeply touched by the class difference of the Nepalese society.
However, this does not change the fact that women are still highly underrepresented in Nepalese society, and do not have the same rights that men do.
This reflects the prevalence of home births, around 81% of all births, in Nepalese society.
To preserve and promote Sanskrit education in different sectors of the Nepalese society.
Folklore is an integral part of Nepalese society.
His contribution to different fields of Nepalese society is remarkable.
Ranjitkars have thus been contributing in almost every walk of Nepalese society as educated professionals.
As ever in such situations, the cost of conflict falls heaviest on the weakest in Nepalese society.