The Nepalese workers were responsible for manual labour, including cooking and cleaning.
Nepalese workers, along with migrant workers from other countries, claimed that they live in terrible conditions.
But thousands of those seasonal residents are Nepalese workers from other areas who migrate in for tourism-related employment.
The majority of Nepalese workers in Libya work as construction or industrial laborers.
Following the 2011 Libyan civil war, many Nepalese workers began to leave the country.
But the executions of the Nepalese workers stood out because of the sheer number of the dead.
The Nepalese workers, all from poor families, were apparently seized as they entered Iraq around Aug. 20.
Nepalese workers earn $100 less than the locals in average per day.
The Nepalese workers have a reputation of being hardworking, honest, cheap and not prone to complaining.
About 200 Nepalese migrant workers die in Qatar every year with stress said to contribute to a majority of the deaths.