In July 2009, Nestlé Waters and the organisers of the Tour de France announced that their partnership will continue until 2013.
In 2009, Nestlé Waters earned a sixth LEED certification.
The fee is required to cover the costs of bill collection and of providing a service before payment, said a spokesman for Nestlé Waters, the parent company.
The brand was acquired by Nestlé Waters.
The bottling company was acquired by Nestlé Waters in 2007.
Through a partnership with Nestlé Waters, it produces and distributes in Mexico the bottled water brands Sta.
The efforts to refresh the Perrier brand image have helped stimulate sales, according to data compiled by Nestlé Waters.
Nestlé Waters is the bottled water division of the Nestlé Group.
Nestlé Waters has been a global sponsor of Project WET since 1997.
- In the 1980s, mineral water company Vittel (now a brand of Nestlé Waters) faced a critical problem.