Employees at Nestle Foods, where Mrs. Nybergh is the manager of community relations and corporate contributions, sponsored 12 children.
Her mother, who is retired, was a media director in Purchase, N.Y., for Nestle Foods.
Built as a corporate headquarters for Nestle Foods in 1957, the 157,000-square-foot building has been vacant since 1997, when NYNEX moved out.
Ernie Acosta, a supplier with Nestle Foods, said the same trend can be seen in stores across the South Bronx.
Her father is the manager of package design at Nestle Foods in Purchase, N.Y.
My first big assignment came from Nestle Food in Purchase, where Nestle began offering its employees incentives to take early retirement.
Ms. Fee, 24 years old, is a sales manager for Nestle Food in New York.
Mr. Sload, 28, is an associate marketing manager at Nestle Foods in Purchase, N.Y.
The location would be significantly closer to the Reader's Digest, International Business Machines and Nestle Foods, users that generate the bulk of the county's mail.
Her mother is the manager of consumer affairs for Nestle Foods in White Plains.