Her first life, 18 years, was spent in the Temple Azarath and creating The New Teen Titans.
In desperation, she reformed the Titans as the New Teen Titans to fight her father.
The Psions first appeared in Tales of the New Teen Titans (vol.
The other two killed Sammy, and his costumed body was discovered by the New Teen Titans.
Theia tried to take over the world in the pages of The New Teen Titans.
The team's popularity, however, did not explode until 15 years later with the publication of "The New Teen Titans."
Danny Chase was a short-lived member of the New Teen Titans.
The full "Garfield" is not invoked until The New Teen Titans some fifteen years later.
This resulted in the New Teen Titans.
In 1980, the two relaunched the team as The New Teen Titans, aging the characters to young adulthood.