At Prudential, for example, which has 4,000 employees at its Newark headquarters, double rows of concrete barriers were installed around the main offices.
In the interview at his downtown Newark headquarters, Mr. Corzine paused at the description of him as liberal.
He emerged only briefly from the board's Newark headquarters to announce that the state judge had granted a stay in the order.
About 60 of the airline's employees at its Newark headquarters and in Atlanta, Chicago and Florida would be laid off.
"We added 500 employees in New Jersey last year," he said in a telephone interview from the company's Newark headquarters.
It gave no details, but some added security around the Newark headquarters, where 1,000 people work, was obvious yesterday.
New Jersey and its Turnpike," which opened at the group's Newark headquarters last fall in celebration of the turnpike's 50th anniversary.
Other southern New Jersey offices will be added later to compliment the Newark headquarters.
If it did, readers would have seen the beautiful Newark headquarters of M.B.N.A., completed just last summer.
The office has about 130 lawyers, most in the Newark headquarters, and handles all federal prosecutions in the state.