Thus they revolve much faster than would be expected if they were in a free Newtonian potential.
The result follows from the formula for the Newtonian potential (the fundamental solution of Poisson's equation).
An example is the well-known calculation of the tiny first-order quantum-mechanical correction to the classical Newtonian gravitational potential between two masses.
In general relativity the mass potential plays the role of the Newtonian gravitational potential.
See also Green's function for the three-variable Laplace equation and Newtonian potential.
Then one comes to a modified Newtonian potential of the fifth force type.
In potential theory, a result that estimates the Hausdorff measure of the set on which a logarithmic Newtonian potential is small.
Thus u is the Newtonian potential of the simple layer Σ.
In modern potential theory, the Newtonian potential is instead thought of as an electrostatic potential.
Moreover, when the measure is positive, the Newtonian potential is subharmonic on R.