For instance, Haringey council allowed only Nicaraguan coffee to be sold and introduced courses on homosexuality into its nursery and primary schools.
But he noted that Nicaraguan coffee was not widely available in the United States even before the embargo.
Mr. Goetsch estimated that six major groups now import Nicaraguan coffee, and that in the last four years $250,000 has been returned to Nicaragua from the sales.
At Equal Exchange, sales of Nicaraguan coffee are rising.
By the early 1850s, passengers crossing Nicaragua en route to California were served large quantities of Nicaraguan coffee.
It was the real thing, although the blend was idiosyncratic, based on Nicaraguan coffee.
Some products, including Nicaraguan coffee and T-shirts with anti-apartheid slogans, have a narrower political orientation.
Equal Exchange sells Nicaraguan coffee processed in Canada ($28 for five pounds) to support farmers and to protest Reagan policies toward the Sandinistas.
And some some other causes, too - on a table to the side, packages of Nicaraguan coffee are on sale to help the Sandinistas.
He had opened a cafe in a spare vestry and was selling Nicaraguan coffee on fair-trade terms.