To get into character, Ed Harris led the entire cast in a 10-mile forced march through the Nicaraguan countryside.
Along the roads that spread through the Nicaraguan countryside from Quilali, Sandinista soldiers maintain guard posts and checkpoints.
Nicaragua today ordered the expulsion of two American diplomats and asserted that they had been fomenting strikes by teachers in the Nicaraguan countryside.
Violence of War Subsides In the Nicaraguan countryside, the clash of armies no longer dominates everyday life.
Asked about her policy on agrarian reform, a central concern in the Nicaraguan countryside, she says only that she will study the problem case by case and that she has a "grupito de abogados," or little group of lawyers, working on it.
In 1980 and 1983, during the Sandinista Revolution, he worked in the Nicaraguan countryside for many months, teaching basic literacy and adult education.
EVIDENCE of the accelerating war in the Nicaraguan countryside is everywhere.
But the Sandinista assertions have been supported by monitoring groups like Witness for Peace, whose network of observers in the Nicaraguan countryside has reported an increasing number of attacks in recent months.
Contra leaders say they cannot be held accountable for all the violence that may occur in the Nicaraguan countryside, particularly when it is reported by their enemies.
Or is it a result of foreign aggression, the decision of the United States to finance a long and brutal war that has ravaged the Nicaraguan countryside, never seriously challenging the Sandinista's hold on power, yet arguably provoking their worst excesses?