Victims include a Salvadoran politician, a Nicaraguan diplomat, five Guatemalan student leaders and more than 100 peasants.
That seems incredible given earlier concerns that General Noriega might seek refuge with Nicaraguan diplomats.
But Nicaraguan diplomats insisted that the May deadline be kept.
"We have cards we can play," the Nicaraguan diplomat said.
The benefits of these projects have not been lost on Nicaraguan diplomats.
Both versions were immediately challenged by Nicaraguan diplomats involved in the incident.
Nicaraguan diplomats said a new official body might be less inclined to criticize governments than private watchdogs.
The medical examiner's office says a Nicaraguan diplomat found dead in his New York City apartment committed suicide.
But even with such a strong card to play, Nicaraguan diplomats say that the obstacles to an accord on immediate demobilization remain high.
"The blockade is unfair, so we have every right to break it," a Nicaraguan diplomat said.