It would have been handy to be in gum boots to cross through the monsoonal mud puddles, but we still made it to the border with visas issued by the Nigerian embassy.
Because the Thorn Tree forum and other sites are full of people being rejected from Nigerian embassies in places where they aren't residents!
Chidi took on commissioned works including one by the Nigerian embassy in Germany.
In February 2000, the Nigerian embassy in Greece was re-established after a 16-year absence.
Also is the Financial Bank Tchad and Nigerian embassy.
I Map This restaurant, on the eastern side of town near the Nigerian embassy, offers Senegalese and Togolese cuisine.
Other countries like Belgium (-in Brussels its capital), and South Africa joined the protests and occupied the Nigerian embassy in their countries in the second week of January 2012.
He worked with Nigeria's Federal Ministry of Information as a scriptwriter in 1969 and was later posted to Paris as a press attaché of the Nigerian embassy.
Murwa, formerly deputy defence adviser at the Nigerian embassy in Washington, replaced Col. Mohammed Maina.
In July 2009 he called for establishment of anti-corruption personnel in Nigerian embassies across the world to detect corrupt practices, working closely with foreign agencies.