The harrowing tale of a Nigerian girl forced into sexual slavery in London.
He had met a Nigerian girl on the internet, who convinced him to spend the money with promises of starting a life together.
A Nigerian girl and her younger brother must leave suddenly after their mother is killed in a failed assassination of their outspoken father.
A muscular Nigerian girl in a lemon-yellow swimsuit was jumping up and down excitedly.
Then, suddenly, at the back of the group, the Nigerian girl clamped her hand over her mouth and began to snicker.
In the early 1990s, she established "Girl Watch"; an organization aimed at educating young Nigerian girls from poor backgrounds.
The two children were returned to their parents, but the Nigerian girl disappeared.
Petronilla, the Nigerian girl in search of God, and her fifty-year-old Guatemalan priest.
Investigators said the couple had also forced two other Nigerian girls into servitude, but that they had returned to Africa.