He is the grandson of Yoruba royalty, the son of Nigerian immigrants, but raised mostly by a single American mother.
Okafor, the son of Nigerian immigrants, is known for not only being a good basketball player but also for being an elite student.
There are a number of organisations for Nigerian immigrants in Japan.
What most politicians agree on is that the north shore's black population has expanded significantly since then, largely because Liberian and Nigerian immigrants have moved in.
Many well-educated Indian and Nigerian immigrants, who could afford good housing, have settled immediately in better suburbs rather than in cities.
Dabiri's parents are Nigerian immigrants, who settled in Toledo, Ohio, in 1975.
Iwuoma's parents were Nigerian immigrants.
In the mid-20th century a wave of Nigerian immigrants came to London after hearing of the need for more skilled workers.
Nigerian immigrants are not new to Texas.
Many modern Nigerian immigrants have come to the United States to pursue educational opportunities in undergraduate and post-graduate institutions.