Hajia Maryam Inna Ciroma (born 11 September 1954) was appointed Nigerian minister of Women Affairs in July 2005 by President Olusegun Obasanjo.
"They have caused the problems, they have made the whole world unsafe," said Sani Daura, the Nigerian minister of the environment.
Jubril Martins-Kuye (born 16 August 1942) was appointed Nigerian minister of Commerce and Industry on 6 April 2010, when Acting President Goodluck Jonathan announced his new cabinet.
The Nigerian minister said children needed to be able to read and write if they were ever to escape poverty, and invited donors to contribute to help education in the developing world.
In October 2011, Aganga, the Nigerian minister for Trade and Investment announced that rice importation in Nigeria will end in 2014.
Henry Odein Ajumogobia (born 29 June 1956) was appointed Nigerian minister of Foreign Affairs on 6 April 2010, when Acting President Goodluck Jonathan announced his new cabinet.
He was also the Nigerian minister for Transportation from 1979-1983.
Rilwanu Lukman, the Nigerian minister and the conference's president, said he expected the meeting in Vienna to be "brief and calm," a statement that cooled bullish sentiment early in trading.
Iyom Josephine Anenih (born 1948) was appointed Nigerian minister of Women Affairs on 6 April 2010, when Acting President Goodluck Jonathan announced his new cabinet.
Njeze was previously appointed Nigerian minister of Aviation on 6 April 2010, when Acting President Goodluck Jonathan announced his new cabinet.