Winning plays submitted by older students are presented by the Night Kitchen, while the younger winners see their plays performed at the annual recognition ceremony.
The center has also has a partnership with the Night Kitchen, a children's theater company.
Dobama's Night Kitchen was the first Cleveland area theater to present long-form improv.
For that matter, they can whip up play concoctions of their own in a corner modeled after "In the Night Kitchen."
It will benefit the work of Maurice Sendak's Night Kitchen, a theater for children.
The Night Kitchen will be nonprofit, and will not have its own stage.
Both men expressed their excitement at being able to present sophisticated plays, operas and musical comedies to children in productions developed especially for the Night Kitchen.
Besides working for the last two years to start the Night Kitchen, he began what he calls "a little film company in California" about six weeks ago.
Suddenly, he begins to float, and all of his clothes disappear as he drifts into a surreal world called the "Night Kitchen".
In the Night Kitchen regularly appears on the American Library Association's list of "frequently challenged and banned books".