The Sudd country in the upper Nile regions was a special obstacle to overcome.
The Egyptians had been intending to conquer the entirety Darfur, but their difficulties consolidating their hold on the Nile region forced them to abandon these plans.
The Kingdom of Kerma, named for its presumed capital at Kerma, was one of the earliest urban centers in the Nile region.
There is a fascination in the unchangeable features of the Nile regions.
Ethiopia at that time meant any any upper Nile region.
These come from the Lugbara and Kebu tribes of the western Nile region.
The species was common in Egypt's Nile region during antiquity, but has since been extirpated.
They eventually moved into the Nile region of Upper Egypt and then into Sudan around 1504.
Foliage and fauna were far more prolific in all environs and the Nile region supported large populations of waterfowl.
They used to be common in Egypt's Nile region from long ago, though they are not there now.