Among those eager for a crackdown are executives at the Nintendo Company.
Nintendo Company, Limited, a Japanese multinational corporation was originally founded to produce handmade hanafuda cards.
The subsidiary of the Nintendo Company of Japan, said it would release a 16-bit game machine in the second half of 1991.
The Nintendo Company said today that it would postpone the introduction of its new 64-bit game machine in Japan until June 23.
The Nintendo Company said yesterday that its pretax profit for the six months through Sept. 30 rose 25 percent from the corresponding period a year earlier.
The Nintendo Company published Game Boy adventures of them in 2001 and 2007.
The Nintendo Company, the Japanese manufacturer of the leading game machine, occupied a large portion of the convention hall.
The Nintendo Company is expected to start its new game system in September, which should also help sales, Mrs. Erner said.
It did so by unanimously recommending on Tuesday that the owners approve the buying group that includes the president of the Nintendo Company.
The Nintendo Company will release a new portable video game that comes with two screens and a gigabyte of memory.