In 1971, the number of American soldiers was reduced by 18,000, due to the Nixon Doctrine.
It suggests that a revised Nixon Doctrine should be pursued in the Middle East.
The speech was one of the first to codify the Nixon Doctrine, according to which, "the defense of freedom is everybody's business-not just America's business."
Our goal should be the removal of Saddam as a threat to the world's economic lifeline, says the author of the Nixon Doctrine.
His plan, called the Nixon Doctrine, was to build up the ARVN, so that they could take over the defense of South Vietnam.
This policy became the cornerstone of the so-called Nixon Doctrine.
He proposed the Nixon Doctrine to establish the strategy to turn over the fighting of the war to the Vietnamese, which he called "Vietnamization."
This "Nixon Doctrine" was outlines in a speech at Guam in the Pacific in July 1969.
The early 1970s witnessed the establishment of the Vietnamization Program, also known as the Nixon Doctrine.
James Webb: Remember the Nixon Doctrine.