Thanks to the determination of the Lithuanians themselves, and some timely help from their Nordic neighbors, a half-century of Soviet occupation has ended.
Historical heritage: the relations between Estonia and her Nordic neighbors.
But how similar is Scotland to its Nordic neighbours, and how high would taxes have to rise?
Eventually, Norway marked themselves as one of the better countries in Europe, if inferior to their Nordic neighbours.
This it did so freely that Norway more and more became, in reality, an elected monarchy, like its Nordic neighbours.
Most had been there a generation or two and were scarcely distinguishable from their Irish and Nordic neighbours.
Just like their Nordic neighbours, Scots have created a social democratic consensus in which only the national question creates unusually deeply divided opinion.
Already the first policy modelled on a Nordic neighbour has rumbled its way through Holyrood.
The second time (1994) two other Nordic neighbours, Sweden and Finland, joined the EU.
Immigration, a potent issue in many other European elections and particularly so for Sweden's Nordic neighbors, played little role in the vote here.