Nordic types were wildly conspicuous in this section of town-in most of the island apart from the tourist areas, for that matter.
Assuming of course, that the men you brought were of pronounced Nordic types.
This woman was big, one of those ham-shouldered Nordic types.
He published a dissertation on Nordic types of brooches in 1897.
She was a Nordic type of blonde with pure gold-corn coloured hair.
Ski jumping belongs to the nordic type of competitive skiing.
"If these were light-skinned or blond, Nordic types, there would be so much outrage you couldn't contain it," he said.
The aide's hair was blond, eyes blue, classic Nordic type.
A lovely Nordic type, she was.
She notes that different types of reported entity are said to have differing motivations, with the "Nordic" type being more benevolent than the "Grays."