Not one of the 1,400 prisoners arrested after the invasion for crimes committed in connection with the Noriega Government has been brought to trial.
The command is known to have a variety of contingency plans to deal with provocations against Americans by the Noriega Government.
At the end of March, several major American companies made quarterly tax payments to the Noriega Government.
In recent days, independent monitors and opposition leaders have said the Noriega Government is preparing to rig the election.
He added that the Noriega Government was "attempting to limit the presence and freedom of action" of international observers and journalists on the scene.
The Noriega Government nullified the election before the final results were announced.
As a condition of employment, the Noriega Government required many public servants to campaign, march and make donations on the general's behalf.
Kawidi, they charge, has become a tool of the Noriega Government.
Action against other remnants of the Noriega Government continued today.
The Noriega Government, unable to meet its monthly payroll, ordered the banks to close until the supply of dollars could be "regularized."