The Noriega regime promptly annulled the election and embarked on a new round of repression.
During this mission it broadcast throughout the initial phases of the operation, helping to end the Noriega regime.
Following street protests, the Noriega regime struck hard against free expression in a desperate effort to maintain control.
"We find the unwarranted use of violence against Americans by the Noriega regime unacceptable."
Administration officials are hoping that this will topple the Noriega regime, as other forms of pressure from Washington have not.
The Noriega regime has no diplomatic support to speak of.
Economic pressure has already succeeded in isolating the Noriega regime, bringing dissension even to military ranks.
That would be a day before the Noriega regime declared itself in a "state of war" with the United States.
Opposition leaders fear that the Noriega regime may crack down on them as Panama goes through an uneasy political transition in the next two weeks.
Such deals have been made illegal in protest at the Noriega regime.