The Caves at Norman Island just south of Tortola, accessible only by boat, are home to many kinds of fish.
Norman Island in the British Virgin Islands, supposedly mentioned to a young Stevenson by a sailor uncle.
Norman Island is located at the southern tip of the British Virgin Islands archipelago.
However, Norman Island also has a documented history of pirate booty being stowed upon the island.
After disposing of some of the money, he proceeded to Norman Island where the treasure was buried.
Rumours persist of more pirate gold to be found on Norman Island, although to date no applications have ever been made for treasure trove.
In the book is the famous song mentioning 'Deadchest' and some suggest that Stevenson based his Treasure Island on Norman Island.
They then proceeded to Norman Island where the rest was stashed.
That night we anchored in The Bight on Norman Island.
It is located immediately north of Norman Island, southwest of Peter Island.