The people in parentheses are personages found also in Norse sources.
The Norse sources agree that Olaf Tryggvason fought against overwhelming odds in the battle.
There are no known Norse sources mentioning the name of the settlement, or even the settlement itself, and the original Norse name of Birka is unknown.
The event is not recorded in Norse sources.
Echmarcach has sometimes been identified as a certain Margaðr who appears in various mediaeval Norse sources.
It is stated in Norse sources that Nór was the founder of Norway, from whom the land supposedly got its name.
There are a number of accounts of the practice in Norse sources.
No early Norse sources describe the Dvergar as little.
The name is found once in an Old Norse Viking source spelled as "Taðkr".
The Norse sources also deal with the defeat of Ingeld and/or Froda.