Among his most successful actions was using guns to break a Confederate attack at the Battle of North Anna.
Instead, Lee's army reached the North Anna unmolested on May 22.
Cutler's line was broken and his men fled to the rear, but their path of retreat led to the bluffs overlooking the North Anna.
By the evening of May 23, Grant's line had formed at the North Anna.
North Anna is similar in design and appearance to Surry Power Station.
North Anna is currently going through the lengthy process of obtaining regulatory permission to build an additional unit at the site.
Battle of North Anna on May 24, 1864; 1 wounded.
Lee did not take the bait and beat Grant to the North Anna.
Lee was determined despite this disappointment, and despite the persistence of his recent dysentery at North Anna.
He wired to Washington: "The enemy have fallen back from North Anna.