My office is glad to help North Carolinians solve problems they face with the federal government.
These North Carolinians feel strongly that citizens need to make the effort to know for themselves what the "experts" are talking about.
Inform North Carolinians about the science, applications, benefits and issues of biotechnology.
He pointed to his support for legislation that would allow North Carolinians to carry concealed weapons.
Some were silly - what was there, North Carolinians asked, to prevent the pope from becoming president?
There are still plenty of North Carolinians who disagree.
For present day North Carolinians, Lowry is a controversial figure.
The North Carolinians went to some lengths to be able to see the game.
The ban was repealed several years later but still stands as an embarrassment to North Carolinians who value free speech.
The foundation is now devoted to advancing the economic well being of North Carolinians and to transforming its economy.