There are two walking trails leading to Huashan's North Peak (1614 m), the lowest of the mountain's five major peaks.
North Peak and Arapahoe do not open until about that time.
Instead, a chairlift was built, to the present-day location of North Peak.
The main peak is the southernmost of the three, while the North Peak rises even more steeply above the valley.
Directly north are the closest summits, Middle and North Peaks.
Keystone, also in Colorado, carried the same kind of reputation until 1986, when the North Peak - and its exceedingly rugged terrain - was opened.
According to the warning sign near the top of North Peak, 16 people have died in falls while climbing Seneca Rocks since 1971.
North Peak is oriented toward "family" skiing.
Its highest point, North Peak, is in Sonoma County.
While lower than the North Peak, it has a north face which is "almost completely vertical for 1,000 feet."