About 70% of students come from the city, with the rest journeying in from North Staffordshire.
The college has the largest number of higher education students of any college in North Staffordshire.
At one time, there were many coal mines in North Staffordshire.
It appears that North Staffordshire has not quite missed out entirely this time.
He has generally sung and played guitar with local bands from North Staffordshire.
After retiring as a player he settled in North Staffordshire.
It was thought that North Staffordshire would be a good site, having a large local population and several large hospitals.
North Staffordshire was a centre for coal mining.
North Staffordshire is a world centre for fine ceramics-a skilled design trade has existed in the area since at least the 12th century.
Another major employer is the University Hospital of North Staffordshire, with over 7,000 staff.