One check from a community in Northeast Alabama, where four people died, was carried 105 miles (169 km) to Athens, Tennessee.
Jacksonville is a minor center for the college bar activity in Northeast Alabama.
Northeast Alabama includes the cities of Anniston, Gadsden, Talladega, and their surrounding areas in the state of Alabama.
Sometimes the city of Huntsville, and rarely Auburn, are included, they are usually separated into regions other than Northeast Alabama.
Jacksonville is a center for the college activity in Northeast Alabama, as well as bar life.
But, these areas are usually associated with a separate political region such as North Central Alabama or Northeast Alabama.
Crossville is a farming community in Northeast Alabama, nestled in the area where Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama come together.
Located approximately 15 miles from downtown Gadsden, Southside is a rather affluent suburb and is one of the fastest growing cities in Northeast Alabama.
An additional 400 Cherokee stayed on reserves in Southeast Tennessee, North Georgia, and Northeast Alabama, as citizens of their respective states.
The DeSoto was one of the main sources of entertainment for Northwest Georgia and Northeast Alabama for the next thirty years.