The Chickasaw Campaign of 1736 consisted of two pitched battles by the French and allies against Chickasaw fortified villages in present day Northeast Mississippi.
A slugburger (originally "weeksburger") is a traditional southern delicacy found in Northeast Mississippi, particularly Corinth, Iuka, West Tennessee, and northwest Alabama.
In 2009, the band declared their superiority at the competition of Northeast Mississippi, where they placed first in their class and division which was between the 2A and 3A classes.
Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal (Tupelo) (Mississippi, circulation 36,929).
Operations in Northeast Mississippi June 13-22, 1863.
He has now dropped out of Northeast Mississippi where, he said, he had gone only to play basketball, anyway.
He transferred to Northeast Mississippi, which is only some 75 miles from Memphis.
At Northeast Mississippi, Woods's mother had T-shirts made and family and friends who traveled to his games wore them.
In the "Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal [Tupelo]," Sept. 9, 2003.
He also owns Travis Childers Realty & Associates, one of the most successful real estate firms in Northeast Mississippi.