He'd carry New Jersey, but you ought to be able to do that yourself; and two Northeastern liberals (you can't duck the word) don't make the best ballots.
Mr. Dukakis's talk of the virtues of family, work and community comes in the face of increasing Republican efforts to paint him as a Northeastern liberal to the left of mainstream voters.
It is opposed by Northeastern liberals who would never set foot anywhere near ANWR and haven't the first idea what it looks like.
The great Northeastern liberals aren't so liberal anymore.
Boorstin is a secular, skeptical moderate Northeastern liberal of the New Deal rather than the New Left school.
As one Northeastern liberal put it, "There's a hedging of bets."
Boorstin, a reform Jew, has been described as a "secular, skeptical moderate Northeastern liberal of the New Deal rather than the New Left school."
The only reason Northeastern liberals such as Jeffords call themselves Republicans in the first place is class snobbery.
It so galls Northeastern liberals that Republican George Bush went to an Ivy League school, they can't resist publicly fantasizing about an alternative universe in which Yale rejects him.