Near the administrative center there was a missionary station run by a Norwegian church.
There has been a Norwegian church in London since the late 17th century.
He was also in favour of greater liberty from the state for the Norwegian church.
Brand gets his new church built (in the 1860s, many old Norwegian churches were replaced by newer and bigger ones).
The church contains the largest roccoco interior in Norwegian churches.
In the years 1828-1835, Linstow worked on a set of standard drawings for Norwegian churches.
"I didn't go into the ongoing discussion in the Norwegian church because that's a matter I shouldn't have an opinion on."
In 2008 63% of the population were members of the Norwegian Church, lower than the national average of 82%.
They had also hold Christmas concerts in Norwegian churches.
Many churches around the country have been under 24-hour guard as the Norwegian Church approached the anniversary celebration this weekend.