Olaf, a huge 6 feet 4 inch descendant of Norwegian fishermen.
Castle Danger was settled in 1890, by 3 Norwegian fishermen, although the site was already occupied by lumber companies.
The town was settled by Norwegian fishermen.
Norges Sildesalgslag is owned and operated by Norwegian fishermen.
Both Norwegian and foreign fishermen sell their fish through this association, which is open for bids from Norwegian and foreign buyers.
Norwegian fishermen and their families settled at East Bay.
The Norwegian fisherman who spotted her wants to write a best seller.
Many of these vessels were rented, and Norwegian fishermen were recruited as volunteers to operate them.
Its location on Lake Superior provided those Norwegian fishermen with ample employment.
Only 259 Norwegian fishermen are allowed to catch it, and they see the king crab as a blessing, as it is an expensive delicacy.