Violet Road is a Norwegian folk and rock band from Tromsø who sing mainly in English.
Targjei Augundsson (1801 - November 21, 1872), better known as Myllarguten (meaning the Millerboy), is arguably the most acknowledged Norwegian folk musician to this day, and by far the most legendary.
Opphav og grunnlag, a standard work about Norwegian folk high schools.
Hekla Stålstrenga is a Norwegian folk and folk rock band specializing in North Norwegian traditional music.
They fuse together the traditional Celtic music with Norwegian and European folk, American folk, and progressive rock.
A snippet of the Beatles' "Eleanor Rigby" drifts by as well, and Norwegian and Hungarian folk fiddling styles are part of the mix.
His Norwegian folk music compositions put the Music of Norway in the international spectrum.
The lyrics to "The Gates of Ballard" come from "Håvard Hedde," a Norwegian folk song.
His next album (ECM, 2007) featured his own interpretations of Norwegian folk.
Wilkommen Folk Tell Drekka Fest, is the first full-length album by Norwegian folk metal band, Trollfest.