Selma was possibly recorded in video by a Norwegian girl, who was visiting the lake with her parents.
He was missing for a few days, much to Bernhardt's anxiety, and during this time was seen in the company of a young Norwegian girl.
His great-grandfather had gone to Norway to work as a farm laborer and had married a Norwegian girl.
By the way: There is no norwegian girls in it.
In April 1998, a 3-year-old Norwegian girl was bitten and scratched by a dingo.
His vibrant colors and charming portrayals of young Norwegian girls in their national costume have always been very popular.
The victim was a 9-year-old Norwegian girl who sat next to the defendant while watching a movie.
"To see the Norwegian girl win so many times, this makes me feel great."
The Norwegian girl had said their home was in Michigan.
"I remember a wonderful Norwegian girl in the 60's," he reminisced fondly.