She was resold a number of times to different Norwegian owners and broken up in 1924.
She was sold to Norwegian owners in 1904 and renamed Asters.
Exxon Mobil is paying Frontline, the ship's Norwegian owner, $6.95 million to make the journey.
The Arno was sold to Norwegian owners in 1910.
In 1898 Jumna was sold to Norwegian owners.
She was repaired and sold to a Norwegian owner, only to be stranded in the South Shetland Islands the following year.
In 1994 a replica of the Britannia was approved and laid down in Russia for a Norwegian owner.
The Main was sold to Norwegian owners in 1910-11 and renamed Vansa.
Under her Norwegian owners, Cimbas chief cargo was lumber.
She was resold in 1912 to another Norwegian owner and refitted as a whaling and guano ship.