Editors' Note: September 17, 2006, Sunday An article last Sunday reported on the debate over how to try 14 terror suspects recently transferred to United States military custody.
Notes reported, i.e., what soldiers could think about relevant events, what was the opinion in Italy, similar arguments.
Editors' Note: September 30, 1999, Thursday An obituary on Monday reported the death of Judith Campbell Exner.
Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787 Reported by James Madison (ed.
Editors' Note: February 13, 2003, Thursday The main article in Sunday Styles this week reported that business lunches had grown fewer and smaller in the economic squeeze since 9/11.
ABC News's The Note reported a survey listing it as the 80th most influential political blog in the blogosphere, in June 2009.
Classical Notes The New Jersey Symphony Orchestra musicians' contract expired yesterday, The Star-Ledger of Newark reported.
Editor's Note: An article on Oct. 4 about Tunica County, Miss., reported its transformation by casino gambling, from the poorest county in America to the home of a billion-dollar-a-year industry.
Notes on new or rarely reported Shiny Cowbird hosts from Argentina.
Notes and Queries reported in 1870 that fains was in common use by London schoolboys.