This also stimulated the early work of the Nuclear Suppliers Group.
The latest evidence on nuclear exports came to light when Iran recently shared with international regulators information about its nuclear suppliers.
It is now up to Congress and the other nuclear supplier nations to take back what President Bush has so carelessly given away.
One obvious approach is to persuade America's allies (and business competitors) to join in coordinated economic penalties against reckless nuclear suppliers.
The existing privatised nuclear supplier, British Energy, had been in financial trouble in 2004.
The origins of the dispute go back to 1992, when nuclear suppliers agreed to a broadened system of export controls.
Lancs Industries is a member of the Nuclear Suppliers Association.
But the deal is subject to the approval of Congress and the Nuclear Suppliers Group, the nations that control nuclear trade.
In suits brought against nuclear suppliers by utilities, a common coin in settlements is provision of services by the reactor manufacturer.
But Washington has protested the sale, saying it violates a 1992 agreement among nuclear suppliers not to sell nuclear technology to aspiring nuclear powers.