The unpaired spins reside in orbitals derived from oxygen p wave functions, but the overlap is limited to the one neighbor in the O molecules.
When an O molecule comes along it collides with the film and this quenches the photoluminescence.
For several decades now, however, nonfictional scientists have been toying with the different ways that H2 O molecules can stack together.
Two O molecules then react with the arachidonic acid radical, yielding PGG.
Thereby, through the incorporation of a further O molecule, maleylacetoacetate is created.
O*is excited oxygen - meaning, one or more electrons in the O molecule have been promoted to higher-energy molecular orbitals.
It is driven by differences in the vibrational entropy of the O molecule in comparison to the solid phases in the reversible reaction.
As air is composed primarily of nitrogen and oxygen, excited N and O molecules are produced.
In the stratosphere, ozone is continuously regenerated by the splitting of O molecules by ultraviolet light.
In 1919, by studying the magnetic properties of solutions of oxygen in liquid nitrogen, he found that O molecules were formed.