Even though the budget is up a bit, there are now just 1,044 OSHA inspectors, compared with 1,328 six years ago.
At that, the OSHA inspector closed the file.
OSHA inspectors spent over 12,000 hours documenting a series of preventable safety violations.
OSHA inspectors said the shaft was inadequately guarded, records show.
But OSHA inspectors concluded that the system was used not to teach but to punish.
OSHA inspectors closed down two dry-cleaning plants and a bowling alley.
Three workers were killed because the company willfully violated federal safety laws, OSHA inspectors found.
Or they can allow OSHA inspectors to enforce the law in their states.
When the OSHA inspector arrives, workers and their representatives have the right to:
OSHA inspectors arrived four and a half hours after Mr. Coxe was struck.