The Town Hall, erected on Oakland Avenue, still stands today.
The meticulously maintained 1891 Guest House (14 Oakland Avenue; 631-725-1396) has three rooms with a common kitchen and deck for $75 to $150 a night.
The synagogue is at 25 Oakland Avenue.
An impromptu memorial adorned the front of the Armaniouses' wood-framed house at 85 Oakland Avenue.
It is located at 411 Oakland Avenue.
She said her daughter repeatedly told her that Sage was with his father at their home at 636 Oakland Avenue.
At 7:30 a.m., with the sun barely awake, the line of cars idling on Oakland Avenue extends the entire block.
It had been more than two days since the Armanious family of Oakland Avenue had been seen or heard from.
The paper was in a building at the corner of Colorado Blvd. and Oakland Avenue for years.
The road ends, after the railroad tracks next to a factory, at Oakland Avenue.