I mean, we all knew what everyone had been saying about him raping that other girl-" "Objection," Jordan said.
"Objection, Your Honor," the defense counsel said, leaping to her feet.
"Objection, Your Honor," the defense attorney said, coming to her feet.
"Objection as to characterization," said Manny as he rose from his chair.
"Objection, Your Honor," the Duck said to me.
"Objection," said Captain Sereb from behind him, speaking for the first time since Reyes took the stand.
But Crni doesn't strike me as a man to take the slightest chance/ 'Objection,' Giacomo said.
She can never have a daughter because-" "Objection," Buckley said without shouting.
Powell's Objections But Mr. Powell, too, said he had troubles with the final outcome.
No Objection in Principle China did not say clearly whether it would vote for the American sanctions plan.